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2019-07-17 16:38     (阅读:)



张茜茜,女,1990年出生,中共党员,研究生学历,博士学位。先后分别于华东理工大学、中国科学院大学和加拿大麦克马斯特大学(2021泰晤士世界大学排名第69)获学士、硕士和博士学位。主要从事环境管理、环境模型、不确定性分析、经济统计与分析等方向的研究。现任成都信息工程大学讲师,兼任Journal of Contaminant HydrologyJournal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing等国际期刊的审稿人,美国土木工程协会会员。


  1. 环境管理及系统优化

  2. 不确定性分析及风险管理

  3. 环境模型

  4. 大数据分析及机器学习

  5. 经济统计与分析


  1. Real-time Prediction of Chloride Concentration in River Water Based on Continuous Sensors and Machine Learning, MacDATA Institute, McMaster University, 主持,2020-2021

  2. 青羊区总部经济发展研究,青羊区统计局,主持,2020

  3. 新津县经济高质量发展研究,新津县统计局,主持,2019

  4. 2018年四川省季(年)度财政收入预测,四川省统计局,主持,2018


  1. Zhang, Q.Q., Li, Z., Zhu, L., Zhang, F., Sekerinski, E., Han, J.C., & Zhou, Y. (2021). Real-time prediction of river chloride concentration using ensemble learning. Enviro. Pollu., 118116. (中科院一区,第一作者)

  2. Zhang, Q.Q. & Li, Z. (2021). Data-driven interval credibility constrained quadratic programming model for water quality management under uncertainty. J. Environ. Manage., 293, 11279. (中科院二区,第一作者)

  3. Zhang, Q.Q., Li, Z., & Huang, W. (2021). Simulation-based interval chance-constrained quadratic programming model for water quality management: A case study of the central Grand River in Ontario, Canada. Enviro. Res., 110206. (中科院二区,第一作者)

  4. Zhang, Q.Q. & Li, Z. (2020). Development of an interval quadratic programming water quality management model and its solution algorithms. J. Clean. Prod., 119319. (中科院一区,第一作者)

  5. Zhang, Q.Q., Li, Z., Snowling, S., Siam, A., & El-Dakhakhni, W. (2019). Predictive models for wastewater flow forecasting based on time series analysis and artificial neural network. Water Sci. Technol., 80(2), 243-253. (中科院四区,第一作者)

  6. Zhang, Q.Q., Jin, Z.D., Zhang, F., & Xiao, J. (2015). Seasonal variation in river water chemistry of the middle reaches of the Yellow River and its controlling factors. J. Geochem. Explor., 156, 101-113. (中科院二区,第一作者)

  7. Zhou, P.X., Li, Z., Snowling, S., Goel, R., & Zhang, Q.Q. (2022). Multi-step ahead prediction of hourly influent characteristics for wastewater treatment plants: a case study from North America. Environ. Monit. Assess., 194(5), 1-14. (中科院四区,第五作者)

  8. Li, C.C., Cai, Y.P., Li, Z., Zhang, Q.Q., Sun, L., Li, X.Y., & Zhou, P.X. (2021). Hydrological response to climate and land use changes in the dry-warm valley of the Upper Yangtze River. Engineering. (中科院一区,第四作者)

  9. Boyd, G., Na, D., Li, Z., Snowling, S., Zhang, Q.Q., & Zhou, P.X. (2019). Influent forecasting for wastewater treatment plants in North America. Sustainability, 11 (6), 1764. (中科院三区,第四作者)

  10. Zhou, P.X., Li, Z., Snowling, S., Goel, R., & Zhang, Q.Q. (2019). Short-Term Wastewater influent prediction based on random forests and multi-layer perceptron. J. Environ. Inform. Letters, 1(2), 87-93. 第五作者

  11. Li, X.Y., Li, Z., Zhang, Q.Q., Zhou, P.X., & Huang. W. (2019). Prediction of long-term near-surface temperature based on NA-CORDEX output. J. Environ. Inform. Letters, 2(1), 10-18. 第三作者

  12. Zhang, W., Lin, K.F., Zhou, J., Zhang, W., Liu, L.L., & Zhang, Q.Q. (2014). Cadmium accumulation, sub-cellular distribution and chemical forms in rice seedling in the presence of sulfur. Environ. Toxicol. Phar., 37(1), 348-353. (中科院三区,第六作者)





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